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Posts Tagged "vessel"
Being in the field or at sea is one of the perks of being an oceanographer, at least for some of us. To ensure that everything goes smoothly, a lot of planning and preparation comes into play because, just like camping, what you have with you is all you have and nobody wants to carry around more material than needed.
Anyone who has...
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A rosette is not an oceanographic instrument itself. It is a round frame tied to a winch on which different instruments can be mounted. During the AZMP (Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program) cruise in April 2013, the rosette for a typical profile includes two CTDs, two optodes, two fluorometers, two ADCPs (one looking up, the other...
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If you’ve never been to sea before, you may be wondering what the cabin you will sleep in looks like. There is a lot of variation from ship to ship, especially between vessels of different size and purpose. Take a video tour of a 2 berth (bed) cabin on the main deck of the CCGS Hudson, a 296-ft offshore oceanographic and...
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